Monday, December 14, 2009

December issue of Frontiers of Biogeography

Frontiers of Biogeography - Volume 1, issue 2 December 2009

news and update

Bern Convention Group of Experts on European Island Biological Diversity: an international network to preserve island biodiversity

P.A.V. Borges (p. 35)

Decomposing beta diversity

N.J. Gotelli (p. 36)

Of refugia and colonization, an innovative use of biogeography for climate studies

J.H. Thorne (p. 37)

More uncertainty with BIOMOD
N.E. Zimmermann (p. 38)

commentary: Geographic patterns of establishment success among exotic bird populations
P. Cassey (p. 39)

commentary: Colonization of the arctic archipelago Svalbard
I.G. Alsos (p. 41)

commentary: A Darwinian approach to community ecology

R.P. Freckleton (p. 44)

symposium summary: The importance of being small: does size matter in biogeography?

D. Fontaneto & J. Brodie (p. 46)

congress summary: EMAPI 10: Bridging approaches to plant invasions
J. Alexander & A. Pauchard (p. 48)

book review: A book for our time

R. Grenyer (p. 50)

thesis abstract: Potential impacts of climate change on the distribution of freshwater fishes in French streams and uncertainty of projections

L. Buisson (p. 52)

thesis abstract: Understanding the evolutionary radiation of the mega-diverse Monkey Beetle fauna (Scarabaeidae: Hopliini) of South Africa

J.F. Colville (p. 56)

opinion and perspectives

perspective: Trans-realm biogeography: an immergent interface
M.N Dawson (p. 62)

membership corner

from the society: A new membership manager for the IBS - Karen Faller; Nomination of IBS officers (p. 71)

IBS-sponsored events: Conservation biogeography: Integrating biogeography and conservation science in a changing world (p. 72)

from the members: Re-unite Gondwanaland! 
H. Adsersen (p. 73)

from the members: Alan Graham awarded for his career (p. 75)

... Job announcements (p. 75) ... Upcoming meetings (p. 76)

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