Monday, October 10, 2011

Professor in Ecosystem Ecology with a focus on terrestrial systems at the Department of Ecology, Uppsala

A position as Professor of Ecosystem Ecology with a focus on terrestrial systems is available within the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. The position is at the Department of Ecology in Uppsala where we work with many applications of ecological research to preserve our biological diversity and protect our forests and agricultural crops from damage.

Sustainable use of our natural resources requires an ecosystem approach. The ecosystem approach emphasizes that the management of natural resources should be based on scientific inquiry that focuses on structures, processes, function and interactions between organisms and their environment.

Subject area: The subject area is directed primarily towards terrestrial organisms and their importance for ecosystem structure and function.

Duties: The professor will lead and develop research within the subject area. In addition to developing the subject area the professor is expected to integrate empirical and theoretical approaches that contribute to new knowledge. International collaborative research within the field is essential. The professor will be responsible for the planning and development of undergraduate and postgraduate education, supervision of PhD students, and contributing to teaching at all levels.

A person who has demonstrated both academic and teaching skills shall be qualified for appointment as a professor. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching skills as to the assessment of academic skills.

Assessment criteria:
Assessment for the appointment shall be based on the degree in which a candidate possesses the skill required to qualify for appointment. Furthermore, regard shall be paid to the degree in which a candidate possesses administrative and other skills of importance, taking into account the subject matter determined by the institution of higher education for the position and the duties that the position will involve. Moreover, regard shall be paid to the degree in which a candidate possesses skills in developing and managing activities and staff at the higher education institution and aptitude in interacting with the surrounding community and informing people about research and development projects. Of these considerations special attention will be given to the applicant’s scientific and pedagogical skills.

The scientific and pedagogic documentation submitted in support of the application shall be indicated in the application, and one copy of each document shall be made available to the Registrar at the time of application. At most 10 scientific publications and at most 10 pedagogic publications, including popularized versions, should be submitted in support of the application. In addition a complete list of publications shall be supplied; the publications submitted with the application must be indicated. When expert reviewers have been appointed, the applicant(s) will be informed to send copies of the documentation listed in the application to each one of the reviewers.

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