Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Postdoc position: ecological impacts of climate change

A multi-year postdoctoral position is available in the Hille Ris Lambers lab at University of Washington (Seattle). In collaboration with Hille Ris Lambers, the successful candidate will develop a project that fits the overall goals of a recently funded NSF grant examining 1) the determinants of altitudinal range limits for a suite of western US tree species; and 2) whether range shifts of these species will keep pace with rapid rates of climate change. Observational, experimental or quantitative approaches (ideally a mix) are possible, and projects that take advantage of existing long-term demographic, distributional and microclimate data sets available from the main field site (Mt. Rainier NP) are preferred. Please see the following website for more details on research conducted in the lab (http://protist.biology.washington.edu/oikos/Index.html). A PhD is required, and strong quantitative and writing skills are desired. Applicants should send a research statement including 1-3 paragraphs describing potential projects of interest, a curriculum vitae and the names and full contact information (email and phone numbers) of three potential references to Janneke Hille Ris Lambers (jhrl[at]uw.edu) with “CLIMATE CHANGE POSTDOC” in
the subject header. The start date is flexible, but would ideally be before June of 2012. Application review will begin January 1, 2012, and will continue until the position is filled.

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