Thursday, September 27, 2012

Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Geography
Assistant Professor in Biogeography

The Geography Department invites applications for a tenure-track position in Biogeography. The successful candidate will be expected to teach at the undergraduate (BSc and BA) and graduate (MSc, MA, PhD) levels, engage in an active, externally-funded  research program, and demonstrate commitment to excellence in both teaching and research.

Newfoundland and Labrador enjoys a rich and diverse network of ecosystems, from arctic to boreal and cold ocean to alpine.  The Geography Department at Memorial has a long legacy of biogeographical research in the Province and has strong links with Biology, Earth Sciences, the Marine Institute and the Environmental Sciences graduate program. The Geography Department has identified four research clusters that recognise existing research strengths and collaborations within the department. The four clusters are: Climate and environmental change; Globalisation, economy and resources; Society, knowledge and values; and Sustainable communities and regions. A fifth cluster on Human health and security is an identified strategic research priority. Applicants can learn more about the Geography Department

A current curriculum vitæ, a teaching dossier, a research plan, and the names and addresses of three persons who can supply a letter of reference should accompany letters of application. Applications should be directed to: Dr. Charles Mather, Head, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada, A1B 3X9,  Phone: (709) 864-7417;  Fax: (709) 864-3119;

Review of applications will begin on the 26th of October 2012.

Applications should quote the following position number: VPA-GEOG-2012-001

Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province’s only university,
Memorial plays an integral role in the education and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to nearly 18,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John’s, a safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities. With over 185 regular faculty members in 15 academic departments and a wide variety of interdisciplinary major, minor and diploma programs, the Faculty of Arts offers breadth, depth and diversity. Counting around 5000 students with declared majors or minors, and with strong graduate programs, the Faculty is committed to providing solid teaching and research support to new appointees. The Faculty of Arts houses, among other units, the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) and the Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork ( The successful candidate may also avail of links to Memorial’s Botanical Gardens, Ocean Science Centre, and the Bonne Bay Marine Station. Memorial’s Queen Elizabeth II Library has excellent holdings with the most extensive collection of journals in the region.

Memorial University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from qualified women and men, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

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