Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Plenary Meeting of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-1)

Stakeholders’ Day
Prior to the First Plenary Meeting of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services (IPBES-1)

World Conference Centre Bonn, Germany
Plenary meeting room

Annotated Agenda
This “Stakeholders’ Day” represents an opportunity for all non-governmental stakeholders interested in IPBES to informally exchange information and discuss issues related to IPBES. It is taking place prior to the 1st Plenary meeting of IPBES (IPBES-1) on Sunday, 20 January 2013. Building on previous such stakeholders’ consultations held prior to the two sessions that discussed modalities and institutional arrangements for IPBES (Nairobi 2011, and Panama 2012, respectively), this informal exchange will be facilitated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the International Council for Science (ICSU), and co-convened by UNEP, UNESCO, FAO and UNDP.

The overall goal of this meeting is to provide a wide range of stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss their engagement in IPBES and in particular:
- To ensure a collective understanding and update on the IPBES process thus far;
- To discuss stakeholders engagement in IPBES, facilitating a collective understanding of the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in IPBES activities and processes;
- To focus the exchange of views on the specific issue related to the admission of observers to the
platform that will be discussed and agreed at the first session of the Platform’s plenary; and
- To draw out elements for common plenary introductory statement on behalf of all stakeholders.

Documents Official Documents supporting the first session of the Platform’s plenary are available at Participants are invited to pay particular attention to document IPBES/1/4 on ‘Draft Policy and Procedures for the Admission of Observers’, which will be discussed at this meeting.  Information regarding activities in support of IPBES which have been undertaken by a variety of stakeholders since the last intergovernmental meeting on IPBES in Panama will be posted at the section on “Stakeholders”. All interested stakeholders are invited to send relevant information to the IPBES Interim Secretariat for sharing on the website.

The sessions will be co-chaired by Anne LARIGAUDERIE, Executive Director of DIVERSITAS and Head of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Delegation to IPBES and Cyrie  SENDASHONGA, Global Director Policy and Programme at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

9:00-9:15 Welcoming Session
Opening remarks: IPBES interim Secretariat; co-conveners of IPBES (UNEP, UNESCO, FAO and
UNDP); and representative of the Government of Germany

9:15-10:45 Session 1: Update on IPBES
This session will inform participants about the on-going process to operationalize IPBES and the
intersessional process undertaken by the Platform since its establishment in April 2012. Keynotes
will be given by representatives of UNEP/ UNESCO,/FAO and/or UNDP, aiming and will cover:
- The outcome of the Panama meeting and the Panama Resolution;
- Activities undertaken during the intersessional process including:
o Nominations to IPBES Bureau and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel;
o Issues related to Rules and Procedures;
o Preparation of an initial work programme;
- The agenda for IPBES-1.
Participants will have the possibility to ask questions to the speakers.

Coffee Break

Session 2: Learning dialogues on IPBES process and activities
Participants will have the possibility to attend 3 roundtables and exchange in small groups on the
issues presented during IPBES-1. These exchanges in smaller groups will enable better understanding of the on-going processes and will bring clarity on the possible ways and means to contribute to IPBES activities. Discussions will be organized as follows:
Roundtable 1: Role of Observers in the Plenary
Facilitator: Cyrie SENDASHONGA
Roundtable 2: IPBES Rules and Procedures
Facilitator: Pierre COMMENVILLE
Roundtable 3: IPBES initial work programme
Facilitator: Anne LARIGAUDERIE

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 Session 3: Contributing to IPBES
This session will provide an opportunity for a diverse set of stakeholders in IPBES to provide their
views on how they plan to interact with and/or make use of IPBES (maximum 8 interventions of 5
minutes each). These presentations will be followed by a general discussion on stakeholders' engagement in IPBES.

15:00-15:15 Coffee Break

15:15-16:45 Session 4: Outlining a common message to be conveyed to the Plenary
The session will begin by a general discussion on the admission of observers to IPBES Plenary, building on the exchange of views of session 2 (Official Document IPBES/1/4). The participants will then be invited to collectively craft a common message, including:
- A common statement on participation of Stakeholders in IPBES
- Comments on the draft policy and procedures for the admission of observers to the
Plenary of IPBES (document IPBES/1/4).

16:45-17:00 Closing Session
Closing remarks by co-chairs, including process proposed for informal regular stakeholders’
exchanges during IPBES-1.

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