The American Society of Naturalists (ASN) solicits nominations and applications for the following awards (deadline is January 1st, 2014, for each):
The Edward O. Wilson Naturalist Award: This
is given to an active investigator in mid-career who has made
significant contributions to the knowledge of a particular ecosystem or
group of organisms. Individuals whose research and writing illuminate
principles of evolutionary biology and an enhanced aesthetic
appreciation of natural history will merit special consideration. The
recipient need not be a member of the Society. The award will consist of
an especially appropriate work of art and a prize of $2,000, presented
at the annual meeting. A letter of nomination,
curriculum vitae including a publication list, and three key
publications should be sent electronically to Douglas Schemske (
Please indicate "E. O. Wilson Award" in the subject line.
The Sewall Wright Award: This
honors a senior but active investigator who is making fundamental
contributions to the Society's goals in promoting the conceptual
unification of the natural biological sciences. The award includes an
honorarium of $1,000. The recipient need not be a member
of the Society. A letter of nomination and curriculum vitae (including
publication list) should be sent electronically to Michael Wade (
Please indicate "Sewall Wright Award" in the subject line.
The Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigator Award: Jasper
Loftus-Hills (1946-1974) was an Australian biologist of exceptional
promise who had published 16 articles when he was killed by a
hit-and-run driver while recording frog calls along a Texas highway,
three years after receiving his degree. The award was established
in 1984 to recognize promising outstanding work by investigators who
received their doctorates in the three years preceding the application
deadline, or who are in their final year of graduate school. It involves
presentation of a research paper in the Young
Investigator's Symposium at the ASN annual meeting and includes a $500
prize, a travel allowance of $700, cost of registration for the
meetings, and a supplement of $500 in case of intercontinental travel.
Four awards are made annually. Recipients need not
be members of the Society. The prize committee encourages direct
applications and welcomes suggestions of people who should be encouraged
to apply. Applications should consist of no more than three pages that
summarize the applicant's work (excluding tables,
figures, and references), no more than four appropriate reprints, and a
CV. Two letters from individuals familiar with the applicant's work
should be sent separately. All application materials should be sent electronically to Leonie Moyle
Please indicate "Young Investigators' Award" in the subject line, and for reference letters, the name of the applicant.
The ASN Student Research Awards: These
awards support research by student members that advances the goals of
the society: the conceptual unification of ecology, evolution, and
behavior. Each award consists of $2,000. A total of 10 proposals will
receive awards (increased from 6 in 2013). The applicant
must be a member of the ASN (membership is international), must hold a
bachelor's degree or equivalent, must have passed to candidacy in a
Ph.D. program or equivalent, and must be at least one year from
completing the Ph.D. Applicants should send a two-page
proposal (not including references), a budget with justification (one
page), a short curriculum vitae (two pages), plus a statement from the
Ph.D. supervisor that verifies that the applicant meets the eligibility
requirements, as well as indicating support
for the proposed research (one page). Projects in all areas (i.e.,
laboratory, field, theory) are encouraged. Proposals will be judged on
originality, strength, and significance of the questions being addressed
plus the match between the proposed research
and the ASN mission. All materials should be compiled into one PDF file
and sent by January 1, 2014 to Rebecca Fuller (, with
"ASN Student Research Award" in the subject line. See details on the Awards page.
Lists of past winners of all the awards can be found here:
The American Society of Naturalists
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