This came in to IBS' IPBES committee, led by Lars Opgenoorth:
Ref: LE/2015-16
Dear Governments and Stakeholders,
Following up on Decision IPBES-3/1 on the Work Programme for the period 2014-2018 (section III.4), which approved a scoping process for a global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, based on the approach proposed in document IPBES/3/9, a group of experts, selected according to the rules of procedure, met in Bonn on 5-7 October 2015. This group produced a draft scoping report for this global assessment, which you can find here.
We would like to invite you to take part in an open consultative process on this draft scoping report, and to seek your views on the proposed approach, in particular from the point of view of users of this future assessment.
Following this round of comments, the document will be finalised by the experts and submitted for consideration by the Plenary at its fourth session.
Please provide your comments into the dedicated template and send back to no later than 3 November 2015.
Yours sincerely,
You are receiving this email because you have subscribed to the IPBES mailing list or you are a focal point, bureau, MEP or secretariat member.
Our mailing address is:
IPBES Secretariat
Ref: LE/2015-16
Dear Governments and Stakeholders,
Following up on Decision IPBES-3/1 on the Work Programme for the period 2014-2018 (section III.4), which approved a scoping process for a global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, based on the approach proposed in document IPBES/3/9, a group of experts, selected according to the rules of procedure, met in Bonn on 5-7 October 2015. This group produced a draft scoping report for this global assessment, which you can find here.
We would like to invite you to take part in an open consultative process on this draft scoping report, and to seek your views on the proposed approach, in particular from the point of view of users of this future assessment.
Following this round of comments, the document will be finalised by the experts and submitted for consideration by the Plenary at its fourth session.
Please provide your comments into the dedicated template and send back to no later than 3 November 2015.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Larigauderie | Executive
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
© 2015 IPBES
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