Friday, March 18, 2016

Call for Nominations - International Biogeography Society - Student at Large (2017-2019 term)

Call for nominations (Student@Large)

One of the best ways for students to foster their academic development is to broaden their horizons in every possible aspect. Participating in scientific societies is certainly a way towards such horizon broadening. The International Biogeography Society (IBS) gave me this opportunity as board member representing students in all decision-making. Indeed, being able to speak out as part of my research field has convinced me on the importance of being actively involved within the larger apparatus of scientific development. This opportunity also made me more aware than ever about the relevance of networking with other scientists in order to contribute to the advancement of my research field. Such contribution should come from all members, new and old, early career and leading scientists. Students, the future of any research field, represent a fundamental part for that contribution to be valuable in the short and long term. 

I would like to invite all IBS student members to consider applying for the Student at Large position of the IBS governing board for the 2017-2019 period. This is a great opportunity for those interested and motivated students seeking to contribute to the advancement of biogeography and to get involved in organizing and promoting the IBS activities that can benefit all members, especially their fellow students. The IBS Student at Large not only represents student members at the IBS board but also serves as part of different committees within the board in order to promote student recognition, involvement and assistance. More details on the IBS-S@L position can be found below.

Fabricio Villalobos
Student at Large, International Biogeography Society

Represents the Student members of IBS in decision-making by the IBS Board

List of duties:
1. Chairs the Student Travel Award Ad Hoc Committee under the supervision of the Vice President for Development and Awards
2. Chairs the Early Career Biogeographers Committee under the supervision of the Vice President for Conferences and in that role organizes the poster competition and Student Discussion Groups
3 Serves as a member of the Advertising and Outreach Ad Hoc Committee Chaired by the Vice President of Public Affairs and Communication

Key Functional and relational responsibilities:
1. Represents Graduate Student Members in all decision-making
2. Works closely with the Vice President of Development and Awards to increase Graduate Student Membership in the IBS
3. Works closely with the Vice President of Public Affairs and Communication to promote IBS activities

Please send a short email to (subject:  Student @ Large position) by April 8th stating:
  • your institution
  • geographic location
  • years into graduate program
  • why you are interested in IBS and what you feel you can achieve as student at large (max 150 words)
Selection of Candidate for the Position:  Candidates will be evaluated by the IBS nominating committee based on their interest in IBS, and their role. Geographical location, gender and stage in graduate program will also be a consideration in deciding which candidates will be put forward for election.

A total of 4 candidates will be chosen to stand for election, votes being solicited from the entire membership of IBS during the general election in September 2016.

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