Thursday, September 13, 2012

IBS meeting - Travel awards

Dear Biogeographers

The International Biogeography Society and the Paleontological Society are awarding travel grants for students and post-docs (i.e. received the PhD less than two years ago) to attend the 2013 IBS biennial meeting, 9-13 January 2013 in Miami, Florida. Grants will be awarded to individuals giving oral and poster presentations at the meeting; all applicants must be current members of the International Biogeography Society.

The standardized application form for all awards can be downloaded from the conference web site. Applications and supporting materials are due by September 30th, 2012.  Awards include registration, attendance at a workshop, and up to $500 of travel costs.

If you or anyone you know of could benefit from these awards, please refer them to for details and contact with any questions.

If you are a student yourself, please note that all applicants must be current members of the International Biogeography Society.  If you are not a current member and are otherwise eligible for the awards, you can renew here prior to applying:
Click Here to Register

1 comment:

Dan Gavin said...
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